Fezuclean Services, LLC


Cleaning your home is a commonly neglected and difficult task to keep up with. Most individuals are so involved with daily life and activities that cleaning their home is last thing on their list.
There’s an incredible number of homeowners today that are faced with all kinds of complications and issues placed upon their time which can become very difficult to deal with and work through.
Home cleanliness is actually a process that is considered a lower priority for many people today.
Most homeowners are capable of keeping up with obvious cleaning chores in the home while the less obvious chores are neglected due to lack of time or ability. This can quickly create a scenario that makes things worse and more difficult to deal with in the long run.
We at Fezuclean Services, LLC can take on the obvious and less obvious cleaning chores for you. We can offer you a one time deep cleaning or daily cleaning service for residential homes, condos and apartments.
We also offer "move in" and "move out" clean up. The "move out" clean up helps individuals get their deposit back. We can also customize a plan that fits your needs.